The People's United Community - TV Licenses - Stop Paying Them!
by TheOpenSource.TV / 1,922 Views
Basically if you are PAYING for a TV LICENSE from this PRIVATE COMPANY you are being DECEIVED and if you REFUSE to PAY they will use a STATEMENT (CONTRACT) so you can PUNISH yourself by your own ACTions. Without DECEIVING you into this, there is nothing they can do and this is quite EVIDENT by their own DOCUMENTATION. Pleas click the image above for more information.
Join this campaign today and let the Government know you will not tolerate their blatant use of our money to publish and broadcast their propaganda, lies and corruption.
Treason has been committed and is still being perpetrated on a daily basis, and you by paying this tax are allowing this to happen.
Join us at The Peoples United Community and say no to the TV Licence Fee and no to Treason!
Please let us know if you are refusing to pay HERE, so we can compile a list of support of non- payment.
List of people who are refusing to pay and their comments.
Click here for more evidence of the BBC
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