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  • FDA aggressively attacking colloidal silver products to clear the way for a Big Pharma coronavirus VACCINE (that will probably kill 100,000 Americans all by itself)

    (Natural - News) Companies that sell colloidal silver, which could provide protection against infection with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), now face possible reprimand from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for selling “fraudulent products.”Image: FDA aggressively attacking colloidal silver products to clear the way for a Big Pharma coronavirus VACCINE (that will probably kill 100,000 Americans all by itself)

    The federal agency, which only considers pharmaceuticals to possess any medical benefits, says it recently issued warning letters to multiple firms instructing them to stop suggesting that colloidal silver can in any way help prevent, treat, mitigate, diagnose or cure the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

    Instead of focusing on FDA-approved pharmaceuticals, which maim and kill hundreds of thousands of Americans every year, the FDA has instead indicated that it will be “actively monitoring” companies that sell colloidal silver to ensure that they’re not trying to help people avoid infection using this natural alternative.

    “The FDA is exercising its authority to protect consumers from firms selling unapproved products and making false or misleading claims, including, by pursuing warning letters, seizures, or injunctions against products and firms or individuals that violate the law,” the agency further indicated in an announcement on its “Health Fraud Scams” website.

    In order to make way for an eventual Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, the FDA is trying to clear out natural things like colloidal silver, vitamin C, zinc, and quinone that threaten to expose the inevitable jab “solution” as unnecessary, and thus fraudulent.

    The colloidal silver companies targeted by the FDA as part of its crackdown include:

    • JRB Enterprise Group Inc. DBA Anti-Aging Bed
    • Halosense Inc.
    • Bioactive C60/FullerLifeC60 LLC
    • Carahealth
    • Xephyr LLC dba N-ergetics
    • GuruNanda, LLC
    • Quinessence Aromatherapy Ltd
    • Vivify Holistic Clinic
    • Colloidal Vitality LLC
    • The Jim Baker Show
    • Herbal Amy Inc.

    Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks about how people are already fleeing big cities to get away from what’s to come with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis:

    The science is clear: Colloidal silver is a powerful antiviral

    Say what it might about colloidal silver, but the FDA is just plain wrong when it comes to completely discounting it as “fraudulent.” While we can’t say for sure that colloidal silver is a certifiable cure for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), it remains a scientific fact that silver ions are powerfully antiviral.

    Long before pharmaceutical drugs even existed, silver was commonly used to kill harmful microbes, whether they be bacteria or viruses. Research into colloidal silver has found that it’s capable of killing more than 650 known pathogens, including the smallpox virus and even HIV (human immunodeficiency virus).

    Colloidal silver is also capable of attaching to the outer protein shells of viruses and foiling their attempts at attaching to host cells, effectively preventing infection.

    “Colloidal silver may be a lifeline or just a gimmick – only time will tell,” reports Film Daily. “Clearly there is a lot of positive information about colloidal silver which, in the absence of a mainstream solution, is not something to be dismissed outright.”

    More of the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is available at

    Sources for this article include:


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  • Edgar Cayce, Japan Tsunami and Mt. Etna

    Edgar Cayce predicted that the Great Lakes would empty into the Gulf of Mexico in the future and that ancient repositories would be discovered when people reached the appropriate level of consciousness. The three repositories mentioned are Egypt, the Bimini area, and the Yucatan.

    "The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea. The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye. Land will appear off the east coast of America. When there is the first breaking up of some conditions in the South Sea and those as apparent in the sinking or rising of that that's almost opposite same, or in the Mediterranean, and the Etna area, then we many know it has begun."

    "If there are greater activities in Vesuvius or Pelee, then the southern coast of California and the areas between Salt Lake and the southern portions of Nevada, we may expect, within the three months following same, inundation by the earthquakes. But these are to be more in the Southern than the Northern Hemisphere."

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  • The Bank Scam Explained - Blank Of Ireland

    Written by Darell at The Common Law Society


    We have laid it out as simply as possible, so that YOU can follow and apply it to ANY troubling Debt issues that may be occurring in your life. Most of us have some. Mortgages, Overdrafts, Loans, Finance, Credit Cards, 

    Fines, Fees, Charges, Property Taxes, Costs, Tolls etc. 

    Download It Now Free

    We sincerely hope that you read and apply the steps that are outlined in this book. If nothing else … it will & does buy you some time and breathing space from the terrible onslaught that the blanks of IRELAND are reigning down upon us all.


    There is NO COVER, let up or protection coming from … “OUR”? Politicians, Solicitors, Barristers, Judges or the so called Justice system. This BOOK lays out a set of LEGAL and LAWFUL questions in a complete Letter Template Format, that you can send to YOUR blank in the morning. It has and is working for over 253 people in Ireland alone. They have stopped handing over or out their hard earned money to the FRAUDulent blankS. They have totally stopped facilitating the blank's game of monopoly, point blank … 

    Download It Now Free

    None of us, thus far have been locked up, beaten to a pulp, killed in the night or dragged into their “Royal Courts of Human Injustice”. None of us have lost our houses or homes or the ability to earn a crust. Although we have all gotten very used to and hardened to the blank's threats, Debt Collectors abuse, infringement and breach of our Human and Constitutional rights, and the total “WALL OF SILENCE” that we all have been getting from senior ranging people in all the blank's.

    WE WILL NOT CAPITULATE … Do You know Why? 

    We choose not to participate in the blank FRAUD! … WE CHOOSE TO LIVE in a FREE SOCIETY! Once YOU Choose to do this, living just naturally happened.

    This eBook is 1000% FREE.



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  • County Council Extortion - Stop Paying Rates!

    Did You Know?
    If You Own or Run a Business,
    You do NOT Have to Pay Rates!!!

    Just to let you ALL know.
    WE here at the Common LAW Society have been studying and researching a little known and even less widely practiced LAW; called Contract LAW, or the LAW of Contract.

    County Council Extortion.
    In summary it means, that if you do not have a Lawfully Binding Contract with another party, such as a County Council, then they CANNOT Lawfully Invoice you. Which means in turn, they cannot Lawfully or Legally issue Bills, Notices or Demands for payment . FACT!

    Unlawful Demands!
    They are acting Unlawfully and Illegally if they do so!!! The only way to deal with the County Council if they are issuing Unlawful Bills, Notices or Demands for payment is to write directly to the head Man or Woman in their Rates department & request that they "Document and Verify the Obligation".

    Document and Verify the Obligation.
    When you write, make sure that you enclose the Original Bill, Notice or Demand. Do not keep their paperwork! Register the letter & give them ten days to respond directly to the request.

    You Will Request That They .

    "Document and Verify the Obligation" by providing all of the following.

    1. The Original Contract (If one exists).
    2. A Set of Their Accounts (For Forensic Examination). 
    3. A Valid and Lawfully Signed Invoice.

    You Will Give Them 10 Days to do so, by Registered Post .
    Otherwise You Will Consider The Matter Closed and Settled.

    They Cannot and Will Not!
    They will NEVER provide any of the three, to validate or substantiate any Lawful obligation that you have to pay. They cannot and will not.

    Don't Mess About!
    But they will commence their playground-bully-boy tactics, as you may already be familiar with. If they call to your business or home - call the Garda immediately; Report them for Trespass & a Breach of the Peace.

    By reporting them for Trespass & a Breach of the Peace, you are taking the matter from Civil to Criminal. Remember, it is they that crossed the line, not you. Watch their jaws drop and leave with their tails between their legs. The Garda will arrest them once you are clear about this .

    Privity of Contract.
    They will probably write or call you on the phone, and threaten to take legal action or proceedings. Don't fret about this either, all Solicitors
    are what we call in "Privity of Contract" . THIRD PARTY INTERLOPERS.

    Not part or party to any contract that "might" be in place, so they cannot assume any rights or liabilities to that "assumed" contract. They can have a Contract with the County Council, but you do not have to recognise them.

    Solicitors = Legal Prostitutes!
    Solicitors are what we call here at the Common LAW Society - Legal Prostitutes! Meaning; if you pay them well enough, they will do any trick in the book & more. Well the name is in the title . Solicit. That makes Barristers & Judges their pimps.

    ReButt Them We Say!
    They can be very easily reButted and dismissed, with a pretty standard letter of reButtal, which we help you draft up in 20 minutes at no cost .
    We do this just for the sheer hell of keeping businesses in Ireland alive.

    Just a Little History.
    Rates in Ireland are based upon a pretty archaic and arcane act. It is/was called "the Poor Law (Crown) Act 1838". Yes it was a Crown Act! In other words it was brought in by the Crown in 1838. The idea being that, it was designed & put in place to help the "poor and indigent" of Ireland of the day. They would tax the businesses of the day and draw revenue from them.

    Poor Houses Replaced by County Councils!
    It facilitated a widespread establishment of "legal poor houses" all over Ireland. Every Poor House in Ireland had a board of directors appointed to them, much like the County Councils of modern Ireland (if you could call it that). As then, as is today, the board of directors and or management got paid massive salaries & many perks and bonuses. While the business community got fleeced, most of which were forced to cease producing, trading and employing people.

    Remember: The 1845 to 1851 Holocaust!
    The poor in turn increased, because more people had no business, and or no job. Thus in turn, the poor got less and less, and either starved to death, or scraped by enough to emigrate to another country.

    Is this History going to Repeat Itself?
    This will be up to You. Stop Paying Rates!

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