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  • Irish Bank Getting 35 letters a Day "Document & Verify the Obligation"

    Hi Folks,

    We have been reliably informed from our insider sources at a Bank, that one specific branch are getting up to 35 letters a day from the people asking them to "Document and Verify the Obligation".

    In other words the people are NOT PAYING any more!
    Alngside the fact, that the People are returning all of the Banks Sewage i.e. Paperwork, as "Return to Sender".

    The Banks simply do not and cannot cope with this, they do not have the internal resources to take on the might of the People of this Sovereign land.

    They need to leave NOW!
    We are Peacefully holding the door open for them.
    This summer we will educate ALL THE PEOPLE of this land, how to NOT PAY in a "Legal, Lawful and Nonviolent way".

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  • Citizen Arrest Warrants Issued today to Detain former Pope, Queen of England and other church-state officers – Property and Assets to be Seized


    Thirty officials of church and state who were convicted last week of committing and concealing Crimes against Humanity in Canada have defied a lawful Court Order, and now face immediate arrest.

    Today, The International Common Law Court of Justice has issued an International Citizens Arrest Warrant, of one year duration, authorizing the detaining and imprisonment of these thirty fugitives from justice under the terms of the Court Verdict of February 25, 2013.

    A copy of the stamped and sealed Citizens Arrest Warrant is attached.

    The public seizure of the property and assets of the guilty parties and their organizations will also commence today, in Canada, the United States, England and Italy, in accordance with the Court Order.

    The fugitive criminals include Catholic, Anglican and United Church officers in Canada, corporate and RCMP officials, and the Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. But they also include former Pope Joseph Ratzinger, three top Cardinals in Vatican City, the head of the Jesuit Order, and the Queen of England and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

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  • Join Direct Democracy Ireland (DDI) Today!

    What is Direct Democracy Ireland?

    Direct Democracy Ireland is a new political service whose aim is to restore the provisions of direct democracy to the people of Ireland, and by doing so:

      • To provide the people of Ireland an alternative to the current model of governance which will ensure that election promises are kept and that the interests of the people of Ireland are the deciding factor in all decisions of the government.
      • To create the situation whereby the people of Ireland chose their own representatives via a consultative process in local communities, and are truly represented by their government.
      • To create the situation whereby the government of Ireland are truly accountable for their actions.
      • To create the situation whereby the current arrangement of political parties in opposition to each other and employing the party whip system to enforce the party line becomes obsolete.
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  • ACTA: The new threat to the Net

    Last week, 3 million of us beat back America's attack on our Internet! -- but there is an even bigger threat out there, and our global movement for freedom online is perfectly poised to kill it for good.

    ACTA -- a global treaty -- could allow corporations to censor the Internet. Negotiated in secret by a small number of rich countries and corporate powers, it would set up a shadowy new anti-counterfeiting body to allow private interests to police everything that we do online and impose massive penalties -- even prison sentences -- against people they say have harmed their business.

    Europe is deciding right now whether to ratify ACTA -- and without them, this global attack on Internet freedom will collapse. We know they have opposed ACTA before, but some members of Parliament are wavering -- let's give them the push they need to reject the treaty. Sign the petition -- we'll do a spectacular delivery in Brussels when we reach 500,000 signatures:

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