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Search Results: ireland

  • Join Direct Democracy Ireland (DDI) Today!

    What is Direct Democracy Ireland?

    Direct Democracy Ireland is a new political service whose aim is to restore the provisions of direct democracy to the people of Ireland, and by doing so:

      • To provide the people of Ireland an alternative to the current model of governance which will ensure that election promises are kept and that the interests of the people of Ireland are the deciding factor in all decisions of the government.
      • To create the situation whereby the people of Ireland chose their own representatives via a consultative process in local communities, and are truly represented by their government.
      • To create the situation whereby the government of Ireland are truly accountable for their actions.
      • To create the situation whereby the current arrangement of political parties in opposition to each other and employing the party whip system to enforce the party line becomes obsolete.
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  • Ireland's natural resources belong to the Irish- Petition

    "We the people of Ireland demand the Irish government stop the great giveaway of Ireland's natural resources. We demand that royalty deals and the tax rate imposed upon oil and gas companies be brought in line with that of other European countries such as Norway and Great Britain. The citizens of Ireland also demand that the government renegotiate the unsustainable and unfair fishing quotas imposed upon the Irish fishing industry. The sale of Ireland's forests/harvesting rights by this government or successive governments will not be accepted or tolerated."


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