Irish Bank Getting 35 letters a Day "Document & Verify the Obligation"
by TheOpenSource.TV / 3,259 Views
Hi Folks,
We have been reliably informed from our insider sources at a Bank, that one specific branch are getting up to 35 letters a day from the people asking them to "Document and Verify the Obligation".
In other words the people are NOT PAYING any more!
Alngside the fact, that the People are returning all of the Banks Sewage i.e. Paperwork, as "Return to Sender".
The Banks simply do not and cannot cope with this, they do not have the internal resources to take on the might of the People of this Sovereign land.
They need to leave NOW!
We are Peacefully holding the door open for them.
This summer we will educate ALL THE PEOPLE of this land, how to NOT PAY in a "Legal, Lawful and Nonviolent way".