Global Banking Elite
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The Secret Of Oz (2010)
Added 15.6k Views / 55 LikesNEW 2010 Version added! Secret Of Oz has won 2 Awards Thirteen years ago, in a documentary called "The Money Masters", we asked the question why is America going broke. It wasn't clear then that we were, but it is today. Now the question is how can we get
Still Report 88 - Direct Democracy Ireland
Added 13k Views / 1 LikesWhen I was in Ireland in June, I stumbled into the ancient Irish freedom movement and their brilliant solution, Direct Democracy Ireland. This is the fastest-rising political party in Ireland and you will soon hear about it in the U.S. and other nations o
Max Igan - New World Order Monetary System
Added 5,319 Views / 3 LikesThis short excerpt is taken from Max Igan's "Fighting The New World Order With Global Non Compliance" Max Igan's YouTube channel:
Bill Still - SR 82 Ireland visit 2013
Added 5,105 Views / 1 LikesAnnouncing Bill Still's trip to Ireland the last part of June 2013. For more information, visit
Bill Still - Jekyll Island - The Truth About The Federal Reserve (Trailer)
Added 4,866 Views / 3 LikesTrailer for the upcoming film "Jekyll Island - The truth about the Federal Reserve". Directed and Written by Bill Still, executive producer Maurice Vanegas, and edited by Will Mott. Bill Still will be visiting Ireland for a series of talks in June 2013,
Bill Still - SR 84 How Loans Control Politics
Added 4,633 Views / 1 LikesIsraeli attorney Yair Olmert explains how short-term "call" loans are used to control legislation in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset.
Chris Duane - The Greatest Truth Never Told - Full
Added 4,515 Views / 1 LikesThis video is a consolidated video containing all of the videos provided by Chris Duane at Please check out his website for more information. This is one of the most important videos anyone can watch. Please take
RT - Max Keiser reports on BITCOINs
Added 4,508 Views / 2 the new digital currency
Empire Of The City - The Ring Of Power (2008)
Added 4,065 Views / 7 LikesAlthough geographically separate, the city-states of London, the Vatican, and the District of Colombia are one interlocking empire calledEmpire of The City. The flag of Washington’s District of Colombia has three red stars, one for each city-state i
Featured -
Bill Still - Still Report 96 Syria Attack
Added 4,009 Views / 1 LikesShould the U.S. intervene militarily in Syria? New video further muddies the waters. HOW YOU CAN HELP: I'm asking everyone who watches this video to go to my webpage: and sign up for a dollar-a-month by clicking on the "Subscribe and Sup
Anonymous - The Bankers Are The Problem
Added 3,669 Views / 4 LikesTheAnonPress Facebook:
- - G. Edward Griffin - The Collectivist Conspiracy
Added 3,617 Views / 0 LikesIn this exclusive 80 minute video interview, legendary conspiracy author G. Edward Griffin explains how his research, which spans no less than 5 decades, has revealed a banking elite obsessed with enforcing a world government under a collectivist model th
Peter Joseph - Zeitgeist 3: Moving Forward | OFFICIAL RELEASE | 2011
Added 3,609 Views / 5 LikesThis is the Official Online (Youtube) Release of "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" by Peter Joseph. [30 subtitles pending]On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and
Zeitgeist (2007)
Added 3,580 Views / 3 LikesZEITGEIST, The Movie - Remastered / Final Edition - Full Production. What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve all have in common?
Bill Still - SR 82 Israel MCM
Added 3,557 Views / 1 LikesMeet two members of the Israeli Monetary Change Movement (MCM) as they explain the problem with the money creation process in Israel as well as why monetary reform will be easier in Israel than in the U.S. They also discuss simple, common sense solutions
Heretic Productions present Visible - A World Declaration of Liberation from Criminal Israel
Added 3,483 Views / 1 LikesOriginally uploaded by Snordelhans on Sep 22, 2011 Heretic Productions present Visible's "A World Declaration of Liberation from Criminal Israel." Peoples of the world, I have reviewed your petition and I find the following to be righteous and true that a
Bill Still - Still Report #18: Iceland Ireland
Added 3,232 Views / 1 LikesKarl Denninger and I took to Capitol Hill in Washington on Monday, briefing a Senate staffer on monetary reform. An update the the situation in Iceland and Ireland.
N/A - Rothschilds Timeline
Added 3,198 Views / 0 LikesThe full timeline of the Rothchild banking family.
Amenstop Productions - Empire Of The City - Ring Of Power Part 2 of 2
Added 3,115 Views / 2 LikesCity of London + City of Vatican + City of columbia are the 3 independant states within states wich composes the empire of the city. The first is financial control over earth economy, the second is religion control over the earth and the third one is mili
Connecting Dots - Banks versus the American Dream
Added 2,960 Views / 1 LikesA nice fun cartoon explaining the banking situation in the simplest way possible...
USA Watchdog July 4th 2012 - Gerald Celente & Greg Hunter
Added 2,882 Views / 1 LikesGerald Celente on top form describing the state the banking system is in. Go to for more.
Bill Still - The Money Masters
Added 2,779 Views / 3 LikesTHE MONEY MASTERS is a NON-FICTION, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money. The devel
Infowars Nighlty News with Mike Adams - Obama Bites, Occult, Self Defense, Mike Adams and Jim Marrs:
Added 2,723 Views / 1 LikesMike Adams anchors a focused and hard hitting nightly news transmission.[TWITTER][FACEBOOK] ITEM**[ProOne Water & Fluoride Filter] The ProOne filter by ProPur is a huge
RT - Keiser Report, Bill Still on gold reserves and collapsing Fiat currency
Added 2,689 Views / 0 LikesGuest Bill Still talks about the crooked Federal Reserve, the lack of auditing of the US gold reserves (most likely because the US has no gold left), and the collapsing Fiat currencies, and governments manipulating the markets with their banker friends to
Muammar Gaddafi - The Illuminati Exposed By Muammar Gaddafi
Added 2,673 Views / 0 LikesMuammar Gaddafi was fighting against the illuminati and the reason why he was killed is here! "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teac
The Secret Of Oz - Bill Still's Speech at Bromsgrove 2010
Added 2,657 Views / 1 LikesOpening remarks at the Bromsgrove Monetary Reform Conference in Bromsgrove, UK, Oct. 29, 2010.
Journey Man Pictures - Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis
Added 2,620 Views / 1 LikesWhen the world's financial bubble blew, the solution was to lower interest rates and pump trillions of dollars into the sick banking system. The solution is the problem, that's why we had a problem in the first place. For Economics Nobel laureate Vernon S
Bill Still - SR 21 Debt Limit Debate 3 - July 29, 2011
Added 2,546 Views / 1 LikesNone of the options being debated by the U.S. Congress can fix the economic situation. Only monetary reform -- a simple solution -- can fix this.
Expose Cinema - Bill Still - 8 July 2011
Added 2,519 Views / 1 LikesThis is an interview with Bill Still, the producer of the films The Money Masters and The Secret of Oz and the author of the book No More National Debt. Both documentaries are available to view in full on this site.
BBC - The Greed Game
Added 2,424 Views / 0 LikesAs the credit crunch bites and a global economic crisis threatens, Robert Peston reveals how the super-rich have made their fortunes, and the rest of us are picking up the bill.