Tom Delonge introduces the team and initiative behind To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science

Tom Delonge introduces the team and initiative behind To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science in this live stream from Washington DC
As partial validation of my paranormal interests, specifically within the realm of the UFO subject, you should all take note of this historic day.
I invite you to watch this brief but highly anticipated live streamed ‘announcement’ that was broadcast this morning from Washington DC, 10/11/17. It announces the “To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science” initiative to seek funding and investigative research input from the public.
Make no mistake, that rock star Tom Delonge is the liaison between a younger, open minded generation seeking truth on the subject and these highly valued senior partnerships. In the live stream are distinguished government and aerospace executives in: technology, intelligence, aerospace, defense and gov affairs.
Of note is former Minority Staff Director of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Chris Mellon discussing (and acknowledging) an ‘event’ that happened with the USS Nimitz and involving two F18s.
James Semivan /Vice President Operations
Jim Semivan is the co-founder and VP Operations for TTS Academy. He is a current consultant to the US govt on national security matters and recently retired from the Senior Intelligence Service from the Clandestine Directorate of Operations US Central Intelligence Agency.
Harold Puthoff /Vice President Science and Technology
Dr. Harold E. Puthoff is the co-founder and Vice President of Science and Technology of TTS Academy. He is a current consultant to USG on national security matters and is an experimental physicist with backgrounds in CIA and DIA-funded research programs.
Steve Justice / Aerospace Division Director
Steve Justice is the Director of the TTS Academy Aerospace Division, tasked with leading the effort to examine the possibilities of emerging sciences and technologies. Recently retired from Lockheed Martin's Advanced Development Programs – better known as the Skunk Works – as Program Director for Advanced Systems after a 31-year career developing advanced aircraft that contributed to the security of the United States.
Luis Elizondo / Director of Global Security & Special Programs
Luis Elizondo is a career intelligence office whose experience includes working with the U.S. Army, the Dept of Defense, the National Counterintelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence. He is the former Director of Programs to investigate Unidentified Aerial Threats for the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
Chris Mellon / National Security Affairs Advisor
Christopher Mellon is a private equity investor, political commentator and the Chair of the Science Committee at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. He is a current consultant to the USG on National Security matters and Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, and Minority Staff Director of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
This is most certainly a form of disclosure, and should be taken as a well planned, carefully orchestrated message to the world. But there is a wealth of info not touched on here.
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